
(n.) a hip-again ideology, and basically anti-capitalist. a passage vehicle, for breaking free from some current norms, but by no means the final balanced form.. I worry sometimes about people who just soaked in "ugh, it's capitalism that dehumanizes people, it's all capitalism's fault" and are fighting like that's the whole truth (whom I see a lot of, online and in some of my adjacent social circles!!). scapegoating doesn't solve anything.. but if I take a breath in and out, I know it will be ok. there is more to come after this.
"just share what you can & take what you need" works great & intuitively within a family context; but on a society level, historically, has led to horrible mismanagement and its own forms of dehumanization.. people are not going to get magically better at intrapersonal relationships, or resource logistics, or equal access to healthcare, simply because there's a change in the system. a system is a tool, like a knife, not good or bad on its own-- and I'm sure you've heard where this is going before, so I won't bore you.
if you want a society infused with respect towards others: embody it, weave it tight into your own life with everything you do. if you want honest communication, start by cutting out the outright lies in your daily relationships, then move on to the trickier & smaller white lies you tell yourself in a half-whispered thought. these things will get you a lot farther and make the journey a lot more engaging, challenging and rewarding.


a very big and pointy rock that thrusts upwards from the surface of the earth, as though a magnificent pimple or blackhead on our planet's glorious face. i guess the sinkholes are sweat glands, or something. but never mind.

the climbing of a mountain is sometimes considered a form of recreation, evidently because it's there

eye chart

series of letters of decreasing size that you could certainly memorize. Every eye chart is the same sequence, and it's only 66 letters.


the devils dictionary
The art of determining the character of another by the resemblances and differences between his face and our own, which is the standard of excellence.

"There is no art," says Shakespeare, foolish man,
"To read the mind's construction in the face."
The physiognomists his portrait scan,
And say: "How little wisdom here we trace!
He knew his face disclosed his mind and heart,
So, in his own defence, denied our art."
—Lavatar Shunk
(also: The Devil's Dictionary)


remember back in, what, 3rd grade, was it? when at the end of the school year there was nothing to do in class and we just sat in a line and gave the person in front a back rub? Back when we could be intimate, bonding like that. Nowadays we'd be all self-conscious and we would all be uncomfortably joking about sexual undertones, but back then it was just a thing we did as peers. But now that we're teenagers we can never be in that state of innocent, friendly intimacy.


(n.) planet earth's seventh continent, as long as one decides to list it seventh while counting, and which is not a continent, technically speaking (it's just australia, which *is* a continent, and all the other places in the pacific that don't belong to any others)

in addition to australia, oceania is usually considered to include
* micronesia (including kiribati, resting comfortably right on the international date line)
* melanesia (including papua new guinea and, like... I guess some places they might have used for filming in "survivor." anyone remember that show?)
* and polynesia (including new zealand, hawaii, samoa, and the delightful statue heads at easter island)


(n.) a special kind of grown-up root beer that quenches the sweltering fires in both your throat and your loins

for some reason quite popular among cowboys in the movies. well. "some" reason.


individuals who identify as writing, verbally reciting, or expressing poetry in any form. Some poets are aware they are poets, and pass away long before society accepts them as such. Other poets are active (and known) in the poetry community during their time alive. Poets may use additional mediums to share and illustrate their poetry, such as music, or writing, even though some simply memorize and recite their poems. One of the most famous poems, historically, is almost certainly the inscription on the pillar of allahabad; more prominently known as the allahabad prahsasti, in academic circles. This inscription is in an ancient language known as Sanskrit, and praises the ruler of the time, Samudragupta. It also chronicles and lists the ruler's military and political achievements. bards are also often considered kin to poets, and one can be the other, in different cultural settings.

(also: bard)
(also: art)

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